What is the attendance system?

Insurance and funding require accurate details of families attending play experiences. The attendance system has been created to ensure we collect this data with minimal responsibility on the facilitator. Each family in attendance requires a Play Matters membership (free); when they sign in at playgroup, the system will recognise the family and mark them as attending for the day.

To support families checking in for the first time, it can be a good idea to ask them to become a Play Matters member prior to attending their first session.

This data is key to the continuation of Play Matters Australia as it allows us to report
attending numbers to numerous funders accurately and satisfies insurance requirements. As a facilitator, you can access the attendance system data via the play experience dashboard. Privacy laws protect this data; it is essential that you read the Play Matters privacy policy and never share information related to your playgroup attendees.

For more information on the attendance system - see here.