What type of families might attend my play experience?

Families come in all shapes, sizes and circumstances. To ensure your play experience is welcoming to everyone, consider the following family types and that may attend your group and how you can best support them:

Families Who they are Ways to support them
Vulnerable families May be experiencing
hardships such as
homelessness, poverty,
mental illness or substance
  • Acknowledge their
  • Build a relationship
  • Provide support by
    connecting with local
    support services if requested
Rainbow families Families where at least one
parent is LGBTQIA+ (lesbian,
gay, bisexual, transgender,
queer, intersex, asexual +)
  • Allow children and
    parents to discuss their
    family structure
  • Advertise your play
    experience as being
    ‘Rainbow positive’
  • Utilise story books that
    represent Rainbow Families
Culturally and linguistically
diverse families
Families whose customs,
traditions, languages and
beliefs differ from those
considered typical in
  • Use play experiences as
    an opportunity for families to
    share their culture/language
  • Be mindful of cultural
    practices (eg. Fasting)
  • Encourage conversations,
    even if they struggle
    speaking English
Families with a disability Families who have one or
more members with a
disability (parent/child)
  •  Ensure play experiences
    are accessible for everyone
  • Communicate naturally
    and respectfully
  • Ask the family how you
    can support their inclusion

To ensure all families feel included at your play experience...

  • welcome everyone warmly
  • learn each person’s name
  • encourage participation in activities
  • connect new families with existing families
  • ask parents to help you. Make them feel like a part of your team
  • as families leave, say ‘see you next week!’

Needing more support?
- Call your Community Development Officer from Play Matters to seek advice
- Search Ask Izzy for support services to refer your families to
- Read the tip sheet on the facilitator portal to help build a strong play community.