Affiliate with us
Play Matters > Memberships > Affiliate with us
If you're a group or organisation delivering a play experience, why not affiliate with Play Matters Australia today and join our vast network?
Join our network!
We are the largest non-profit organisation specialising in play in Australia. We have a vast network of affiliated play experiences across the country.
Affiliation allows groups and organisations delivering play experiences to join the Play Matters family. When you affiliate, you get access to a suite of benefits that support you to get back to what matters most - play!
Affiliated groups get access to a digital portal, a play management tool, advertising on our search feature, and hundreds of resources to support play experiences.

Who can affiliate?
A wide range of play experiences for children aged 0-5 years, can affiliate with Play Matters including:
- Community playgroups
- School-based playgroups
- Intergenerational playgroups
- Facilitated play experiences (therapy and disability support groups)
- Baby playgroups
- Supported playgroups
- Parent groups.
We also welcome the opportunity to support and affiliate other play experiences. Organisations are required to have their own Public Liability Insurance.
Play Matters Affiliation
Advertising on our public search tool
Digital Play Management Tool
Attendance Tracking System
Access to 100+ activities and ideas
Online Training
Promotional Resources
Newsletters and Communications
Exclusive Content
Ask a Play Expert Tool
Support hotline
Free Play Pass Membership for families

The Digital Portal
The Play Matters Australia Digital Portal for affiliated groups has been developed to make it easier to manage a play experience and access training, support, and high-quality AEDC and EYLF aligned resources.
The portal includes:
- A Play Management Tool that allows groups to create sessions, manage their public group profile, add additional organisers, record attendance, contact families, and allow families to RSVP
- Over 100+ EYLF and AEDC aligned resources
- Training, videos, booklets, promotional material, and tip sheets