Reconciliation Action Plan
Play Matters Australia's Reconciliation Action Plan was launched in May 2022. Learn more and view the RAP below.

Our Commitment
Play Matters Australia is committed to reconciliation with Australia’s first people. Through our organisation's values, mission, and vision we walk hand in hand with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people across the nation to achieve positive outcomes for families and communities. Our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) is our ongoing commitment to establish and strengthen mutually beneficial relationships with First Nations stakeholders and organisations, and promote reconciliation through our sphere of influence.
Built on Mutual respect
For almost 50 years, Play Matters Australia has supported Australian families, including many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families. We've helped to give all children the best possible start in life. Our organisation has worked closely with Elders in communities to inform our Reflect RAP. Play Matters understands that our reconciliation pathway needs to be built on mutual respect with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and an acknowledgement of the past.
Championing and supporting
Play Matters Australia has worked with thousands of families over the years including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families in Yarrabah, Cherbourg, Woorabinda, Kowanyama, Lockhart River, Cooktown, Laura, and Cunnamulla. We've used strengths-based practices to empower families to contribute to the growth of their children and their communities. We employ local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are respected and connected with the local community and provide training, mentoring, and ongoing connection for First Nations peoples. We aim to create communities of upskilled champions who advocate for the importance of families being involved in the development of their children in the early years.

The Play Matters Australia RAP aims to
- create a greater understanding across internal staff of First Nations cultures and histories
- create inclusive environments that contribute to reconciliation with First Nations people
- strengthen children and families' understanding and acknowledgement of First Nations people
- continue to build strong trusted relationships with First Nations organisations.