Inclusion Support
Play Matters > Inclusion Support
Play Matters Australia breaks down the barriers to play and connection for parents and carers with children who have additional needs.

Inclusion Support
We support families to find the program or playgroup that best meets their needs. Play Matters also empowers facilitators to provide accessible and welcoming spaces where everyone has the opportunity to nurture their family relationships and develop much needed social and emotional peer networks.

Inclusion at playgroup
You will know that you're attending or running an inclusive playgroup when all families:
- feel safe and welcome to participate.
- feel valued for their contribution.
- are empowered to choose and make decisions.
- are given the same opportunities to participate.

Becoming an Inclusion Ready Playgroup
Play Matters Volunteers can head to the Facilitator’s Portal and access an online module ‘Becoming an Inclusion Ready Playgroup’, where, upon completion of the Reflective Questions, you will be sent an Inclusion Ready Playgroup Pack for your playgroup which includes:
- An Inclusion Support Information Kit Booklet
- Visual Communication Boards- ‘Choice’ Board and ‘First and Then’ Board and cards
- Certificate to display demonstrating that you are now an Inclusion Ready Playgroup

Free Inclusive Resources
We have a range of free activity kits that have been developed for our Inclusion Support program. These are available for download on our website. The resources are designed to support families and groups by providing them with high-quality inclusive play ideas.
Play Matters also offers a number of specialised playgroups for families of children with a disability or delay in selected locations. As locations vary for each program, please contact us at inclusionsupport@playmatters.org.au to be referred to the most appropriate playgroup in your local area.
Play Matters Facilitators can find inclusive resources and activity ideas HERE
PlayConnect+ playgroups welcome all children with disability and/or developmental concerns aged 0-8 years, their families, carers and siblings.
(A diagnosis or formal assessment is not necessary).
MyTime Groups
MyTime groups are for parents and carers of children aged under 18 years who need a higher level of care than other children. This may be because of disability, developmental delay, or chronic medical conditions.
MyTime is a place you can connect with others who are raising children with additional needs. It can be a great opportunity to find out about new services and supports, and talk to other parents about their experiences with services, therapies, and medications. MyTime is an opportunity to take care of you, with guest speakers, fun activities, and morning tea provided.
Children under school age are welcome to attend and will be cared for by a play helper.
“The true object of all human life is play.”