
Play Matters > MyTime

MyTime is for parents and carers of children with a disability, developmental delay, or chronic medical condition. It’s a place for you to unwind and talk about your experiences.

NEW MyTime Online Groups


What is MyTime?

MyTime groups are for parents and carers of children aged under 18 years who need a higher level of care than other children. This may be because of disability, developmental delay, or chronic medical conditions.

MyTime is a place you can connect with others who are raising children with additional needs. It can be a great opportunity to find out about new services and supports, and talk to other parents about their experiences with services, therapies, and medications. MyTime is an opportunity to take care of you, with guest speakers, fun activities, and morning tea provided.

Children under school age are welcome to attend and will be cared for by a play helper.


Get Involved

Play Matters Australia delivers MyTime alongside community partners in 29 locations across Queensland. Groups meet either weekly or fortnightly during school terms.

MyTime is funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services and nationally coordinated by the Parenting Research Centre.

For more information email us at, call 1800 00 PLAY, or find a MyTime group here.

“Your support network is the solid ground from which you can propel yourself upwards.”

Anna Barnes