Playgroup Engagement Census
Play Matters > Playgroup Engagement Census
Help us build the best play experiences, by making play count!
Play Matters, along with all other state-based playgroup organisations are again undertaking an engagement census from the 24-28th March. We will be reaching out to our play facilitators to hear how your groups are going, what we are doing well and what we could do to better support you.
This activity is an important way that we can demonstrate the invaluable contributions playgroups make in supporting families and communities across the country. It also gives you, our invaluable playgroup facilitators, the opportunity to provide us with any feedback or suggestions you may have to help inform our services, future programs, resources and systems.
What is required to participate?
To participate in the census is quick and as easy as 1,2,3!
Step 1: Run your regular play experience during census week 24-28th March
Step 2: Make sure you track your participants attendance
Step 3: Complete the quick five-minute online survey below to tell us how many people attended your group and how we could better support you!