Are hot drinks allowed at Play experiences?

Yes, hot drinks are permitted at play experiences. However it is important to consider how these are served and stored around children to ensure everyone's safety. 

When allowing hot drinks within your play experience, consider the following:

  • Where possible, ensure all hot drinks are served in cups with lids. This will prevent accidental splashing and spilling of hot liquid.
  • Ensure that any hot drinks are not left unattended. This will prevent children from knocking, spilling, splashing or digesting hot liquids.  
  • Remember that some families may have food allergies or sensitivities - including to dairy products. Encourage play group members to keep any hot drinks out of the way of other group members (including children) and to dispose of any used vessels responsibly.  

As always, consideration should be given to all group members in establishing and maintaining a safe and comfortable play experience for all.