Are there any healthy eating guidelines for play experiences?

Information to support healthy eating at your play experience

Play Matters supports the Dietary Guidelines for children and adolescents developed by the National Health and Medical Research Council through the promotion of healthy eating at group.

It is recognised making informed food choices is important for children’s normal growth and development, and that healthy eating habits developed in early childhood will encourage healthy eating as an adult. Encouraging healthy eating in childhood is important to reduce the risk of nutrition-related diseases in the future.

Group snack times provide an important opportunity for children and parents/carers to socialise and come together as a group.

Play Matters encourages the following:
• Healthy food choices are provided and encouraged at all group sessions and special events.
• Groups may decide to also offer other foods (e.g., party food) on special occasions.
• Group members' food allergies and intolerances are considered when making decisions about food at group.
• Cultural and religious differences relating to food are respected and considered at groups.
• Safe food preparation, handling, and storing procedures are followed at group sessions and special events.
• This policy applies to all group sessions and special events

More information on how to support healthy eating at your play experience can be found here.

Further information and tips on healthy eating can be found here