1. Knowledge Base
  2. Starting a play experience

As a facilitator, what type of communication will I be required to undertake?

As a facilitator, communication between yourself, Play Matters, your play experience venue, and the attending families will contribute to your play experience's success.

Ways in which you might receive or communicate between the three are:

Play Matters Venue Families
  • Updating any changes to the play experiences
  • Seeking support
  • Facilitator newsletters
  • Member newsletters
  • Facilitator Facebook page
  • Lease Agreement (Play Matters can review this for you)
  • Fees
  • Cleaning
  • Repairs
  • Additions
  • Welcome letter
  • Newsletter
  • Social media page
  • Group chats
Top tips to ensure healthy communication:
  • Establish a Facebook group for your playgroup. This allows you to communicate with the whole group at once
  • Join the Play Matters Australia Facilitator Facebook page. You will be kept up to date with all things Play Matters, you can also ask questions and connect with other facilitators.
  • Open an email account for your playgroup and create an auto-response for enquiries
  • Develop a welcome letter for all new families
Looking for more information on starting a play experience - see here