Can I use the Play Matters logo?

Information on when you can and cannot use the Play Matters Australia logo

Yes! However there are usage rules for Play Matters Australia promotional material, logos and digital assets including:
  • You can use promotional resources and logos to promote a Play Matters Affiliated play experience. If you do not renew your affiliation, you are not permitted to use anything with the Play Matters brand.
  • You cannot advertise alcohol, smoking or illicit substances.
  • You cannot advertise phone numbers or personal details of other individuals at any group without their permission.
  • You cannot include explicit language or offensive material on any branded assets, including flyers.
  • You cannot edit, distort or change the ‘Play Matters Affiliate’ logo.
  • You will only include relevant and important information on the assets you distribute.

If you are found to have breached the above terms and conditions of use, Play Matters Australia reserves the right to take action to protect its brand and disaffiliate your group.

Please play your part and help protect the Play Matters brand! To access copies of the Play Matters affiliated logos - see here.

For more information on how to use the Play Matters logo to support your play experience, see the style guide