How do I adapt activities to be hygienic and COVID-safe?

Tips for keeping your play experience clean and safe

At Play Matters we are committed to ensuring the health and safety of all of our members, volunteers, facilitators, staff and partners. Below you can find ideas to adapt play experience activities to be hygienic and COVID-safe.

  • Playdough - Provide a small portion for each child.
  • Water play - Use soapy water to bathe dolls. Water plants using individual cups.
  • Individual sensory bags. Eg. baby oil with food colouring/rice with plastic insects/hair gel with beads.
  • Craft - Use natural items (leaves and flowers) for collage activity and a disposable spoon or ear buds for glue/paint. Discard after use.
  • Dress up day - children come dressed up from home. Or provide individual kits for children to create crowns, hats, or masks.
  • Small trays with sand/kinetic sand with hidden plastic animals, bark, plastic spoons and cups.
  • Use toys that can be easily sanitised - avoid soft toys that are difficult to keep clean.
  • Encourage families with babies to bring their own tummy-time mats 

Families should stay home if unwell. Direct them to online Play Matters sessions found on the Play Matters website.
Sanitise all toys before packing away each week. Soft toys and blankets must be washed after each use.

Further details on Play Matters illness and immunisation policies can be found here or by accessing the facilitator portal fact sheet