How do I create a sun safe play experience?

Tips for encouraging sun safety at your play experience

We all love a sunny day, but it is important that we all keep safe while outdoors! Inspired by the Cancer Council 5 S’s, here are some tips on how you can make your group session more SunSmart.

Slip: Wear sun-safe clothing. Shirts with a collar/long sleeves made of close- weave fabric (eg. cotton or linen) are best.

Slop: Supply ‘sensitive skin’ broad-spectrum sunscreen at your group. Best protection requires application at least 20 minutes before sun exposure. Reapply sunscreen as

Slap: Encourage adults and children to wear a hat. Broad brim hats that shade the face, nose, neck and ears provide better sun protection. Have spare hats available to your group.
Wash after use. 

Seek: Utilise shade when playing outdoors. Invest in a marquee if no natural shade is available.

Slide: Wearing UV-protective sunglasses. *Children won’t always agree to keep them on, but it is important to encourage the option if possible.

Visit the Cancer Council website for more information on keeping sun safe. Further details on embedding safety within your play experience can be found here.