How do I create and manage a Facebook group?

Information on setting up and managing a Facebook group for your play experience

If you are wanting to set up a group to support your play experience, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Home Page and click 'Create Group' in the left-hand column. If you have existing Groups, you may need to click 'More' before you see this link.
  2. A pop-up box will appear, where you will be able to add a Group name, add members and select the Privacy Setting for your Group. Click the 'Create Group' button when you're finished.
  3. Once the Group is created, you will be taken to the Group's Page. To get started click at the top right of the page and select 'Edit Group'. From here you can add a Group description, set a Group email address, add a Group picture and manage members.
How do I add new members to a Group?
  1. Follow these simple steps:
  2. Go to the Group.
  3. Click the + Add Friends to Group field in the right-hand column. Add your friends' names in the typehead, for all types of Groups (open, closed and secret), Group members can add their Friends. Other people can request to join an open or closed Group and be confirmed. Group members can add anyone who is a confirmed member of a play experience.
Note: We encourage you to invite your Play Matters contact or Community Development Officer to your Facebook group.
How do I leave a Group?
To leave a Group, go to the Group and click at the top right corner. Then pick Leave Group from the dropdown menu. Leaving a Group removes you from the Group's member list and removes the Group from your list of Groups.
You will no longer get Group notifications or see Group stories in your news feed. People will no longer know when you've seen a Group post, even if you saw it before you left the Group.
How do I remove posts by Group members?
If you're a Group admin, you can remove most posts:
  1. Click the dropdown next to the content you want to remove.
  2. Select Remove Post to delete the post.
  3. Choose Mark as Spam or Report as Abuse.
How do I remove or ban someone from a Group?
Only an admin can remove or ban a member from the Group. If you're an admin, follow these steps to remove a member:
  1. Click on the About tab
  2. Find the member you want to remove by scrolling through the page.
  3. Click the X next to the member's name and then click Confirm.
Removed members will have to request to join the Group again if they wish to re-join. To ban a member you're removing, check the box that says Ban Permanently. Banned members won't be able to find the Group in search or see any of its content. They can't be added again by members. 

Looking for more information on how to use Facebook for your play experience? See:

 - Can I use Facebook to promote my play experience?

- Should I set up a Facebook page or group?

- What are the privacy options for Facebook groups?

Or download the tip sheet here.