How do I deal with conflict at my play experience?

Tips to dealing with conflict that arises at play experiences

Conflict is part of everyday life, but the way conflict is dealt with will largely
determine whether the outcome is destructive or constructive.

Play Matters encourages a positive approach to resolving problems that arise
at play experiences.

Who handles a dispute at groups?
Groups are encouraged to resolve their own disputes internally. 

Tips for dealing with conflict and disputes

Before attempting to resolve a conflict, ensure; 

  1. Each person is calm
  2. There is a private space to talk
  3. Personal safety of all involved (including children who still need supervision) is maintained.

*If you can’t ensure these, postpone the conversation for another time. If anyone’s behaviour is threatening or unsafe, ask them to leave. The safety of everyone at your Play Experience is the top priority.

Further information on conflict and disputes see the Tip sheet