How do I encourage hygiene at my play experience?

Tips for maintaining a hygienic play experience for all!

Following safe hygiene practices a group is a combination of adherence to policy, common sense, and good habits.
The points below are not an exhaustive list of things to consider but are helpful when conducting your group. Everyone will appreciate the way you all contribute to the safe running of the group by looking after each other.
Children learn a great deal by copying the behaviour of their parents and carers. So, the best way to teach children about good hygiene habits is to effectively role model. Good hygiene at groups is common sense and follows the same pattern as hygiene at home and elsewhere. Check that your group has the appropriate facilities, procedures, and equipment for:
  • washing hands before eating or handling food, after changing a nappy or going to the toilet
  • mopping up a variety of kitchen spills, paint and glue spills, etc. with different cloths or sponges
  • washing children’s hands before eating
  • safe disposal of used tissues, soiled cloths and nappies
  • cleaning up of blood, vomit, and faeces with disposable gloves and tissues or paper towels cleaning and disinfecting all kitchen, toilet and bathroom areas regularly.
  • providing clean tea towels, hand towels, paper towels, sponges etc.
  • adequate washing and storing of crockery, cutlery, plastic bowls, etc.
  • each child to have an individual plate or bowl at snack time serve food with tongs
  • regulating the temperature in the venue so children do not get too hot and so fresh air can circulate
  • sweeping, mopping, and vacuuming after every session.

It is worthwhile clarifying with the venue management where your group meets about their expectations of cleaning up and what they will provide (e.g., paper towels and what the group will need to bring with them).
High tough surfaces should be disinfected frequently with a household disinfectant. 

Information on keeping toys and play areas clean can be found here. 

Further tips on managing safety and illness (including COVID-19) at your play experience can be found here.