How do I find someone to help run my play experience?

Tips for succession planning of your play experience

Once you have decided to move on, there are a number of things you can do to support the successful continuation of your play experience. These include:

Start early:

  • Once you know that you are not continuing in the Facilitator role, inform your group of the time frame (e.g., end of year). This gives families time to think about the role and assess their availability.
  • The next step is to scope your group for interested members to take over the role. Be available for questions regarding the role. There may also be people outside of the group that would be happy to facilitate the group. 

Explain the Facilitator role:

  • What you really enjoyed about the role
  • How you have shared the jobs within your playgroup
  • Discuss the support available from Play Matters
  • Challenges you have encountered

Mentor others throughout the year:

  • Involve others in tasks related to the role, it will help increase awareness of the other requirements of the role
  • Make a deliberate effort to step back and let others have a go. You might pre-plan to leave early, or arrive late on occasion, so that others can learn the process of opening/locking the venue etc.

Explore all options:

  • Some groups share the role of facilitator, splitting the tasks between a few members. Discuss that option if a sole facilitator is not found.

Give it time and be flexible:

  • Remember if you get someone to volunteer this may be a member’s first-time volunteering in their community so they may be a little apprehensive. Be patient and available to discuss any questions or concerns they may have.
  • With timeframes, if possible. If someone is keen to take over the role prior to the timeframe you have nominated, take them up on their offer.

Once you have identified the new facilitator:

  • Introduce the role
  • Be sure to introduce your successor to the Play Matters website including the Facilitator Portal.

Please explain to the new facilitator that support is always available from Play Matters by phone and email. Please also advise Play Matters on your progress and provide details of the new volunteer. Complete the online form and let us know if details have changed.
If you are unable to find a facilitator, please contact Play Matters. If a willing facilitator is not found, the group will have to disband.