How do I get access to my play experience check-in QR Code?

Details on how to access the unique QR Code for play experiences.

QR Codes can be found in the Facilitator portal, within the 'Manage my groups" tab. Once you have selected the group you are wanting the QR Code for, scroll down to the Attendance Management section.

Attendance Management

From here, you can either visit your group landing page (where the QR Code will be displayed) or download a copy that can be printed and made available for people to scan as they arrive at your group. 

Tips about the QR Codes:
• The QR Code doesn’t change between sessions
• The QR Code will redirect families to check into the next open session
• Sessions can be checked into 2 hours before they begin
• Session check-in closes 15 minutes before the end of the session. 

For more information on what a family needs to complete during check-in see the article Family requirements when attending play experiences. 

Further details on the attendance system can be found in the Attendance system and facilitator portal guide.