How do I keep my play space safe?

Ideas to best set up your play experience

Each play experience space is unique and presents its own opportunities and challenges. Follow these tips to create a space your families will love!

Tips on keeping your play experience space safe

Keep dangerous items and adult spaces out of reach of children and use common sense and zones to help keep all your members safe. 

Area/item Consideration
Kitchen Use baby gates to keep children out
Bathroom Close doors between use
Stairs Use baby gates to block stairs
Stacked furniture Cover or move to prevent climbing
Power points Insert child proof plugs
Cleaning products Keep out of reach of children
Spillages Clean and dry immediately
Trip hazards Remove or tape down trip hazards
Scissors Keep out of reach and/or supervise older children closely
Water Supervise use of water at all times
Bats and racquets Play in uncrowded spaces 
Tea/coffee or hot drinks Use a lidded cup. Do not leave unsupervised
Climbing equipment/slides Use over soft mats
Ride on toys Keep away from baby spaces
Sun and heat Use shady areas

If your venue has a highly dangerous hazard that cannot be managed, cease meeting at that venue and search for a new one. See the here for more advice on what you should consider when choosing a venue, or here for suggestions on venue spaces.