How do I keep the toys and spaces at my play experience clean?

Tips for keeping your play experience clean and hygienic

Groups need to organise a regular toy clean up and working bee in the play area to ensure good hygiene is maintained. This is a great opportunity to dispose of broken, damaged or unused items and check your group inventory.
Always wear correct PPE and at a minimum, disposable gloves; hands must be washed before and after the use of disposable gloves. It is important to understand the difference between cleaning and disinfecting. If an item is visibly dirty it must be cleaned before disinfecting. If surfaces are dirty, they should be cleaned using a detergent or soap and water. Once an area is clean it may then be disinfected.
Tips include:
  • launder soft toys, play rugs, mats, and dress ups; make sure they are completely dry before storing to prevent mold
  • wash in warm, soapy water and disinfectant all toys that can be safely immersed in water. This will be mostly plastic items, but check they don’t have some metal parts that can rust
  • some wooden items may also be washed such as blocks and trucks, but should not be left to soak for long in case they warp or crack
  • other items should be wiped over including larger equipment, tables and chairs, blackboards, puzzles and board books
  • empty cupboards and shelves completely, so all surfaces can be wiped down and coverings such as contact paper be replaced, if necessary
  • don’t forget to check your First Aid Kit
  • discuss with venue manager about regular carpet cleaning and general maintenance and upkeep of your session space.
  • Report urgent repairs or safety issues immediately and in writing to venue manager or school administration.
Washing Toys in a Dishwasher
Some hard toys such as wood, plastic or metal may be washed in a dishwasher. Check instructions on the toys. Use the proper amount of dishwasher detergent recommended by the manufacturer. Run toys through the complete wash/dry cycle. Do not wash with dishes, utensils, etc.
Washing Toys in a Washing Machine
  • Many SOFT toys made of fabric, such as stuffed animals, rattles, and dress-up clothes may be washed in a washing machine. Check instructions on the toys.
  • Use HOT water and detergent.
  • Dry toys completely in a hot dryer when possible.
Electronics include tablets, touch screens, keyboards, and remote controls. If these electronics are a communal item, they should be disinfected after each use with alcohol-based wipes or sprays containing at least 70% alcohol. Surfaces must be dried thoroughly. The facilitator and members should disinfect personal items on arrival at a new location.
Further tips on keeping your play experience clean and safe can be found here, or by visiting the fact sheet on the facilitator portal.