How do I make my play experience more sustainable?

Tips for including sustainable practices within your play experiences

Sustainability at play experiences is about implementing small changes in order to create a positive impact on the environment and the community we live in.

Ways to model sustainability

  1. Set up a general waste and recycling bins to use at your group
  2. Encourage water conservation by hanging signs next to taps, reminding users to turn off the tap while soaping their hands
  3. Use outdoor play time to explore nature & talk about sharing the world with animals & caring for the environment.

Other ways to incorporate sustainable practices:

  • Carpooling reducing your carbon footprint and strengthens connections between families
  • Explore the idea of organising a toy/clothes swap day. This can be monthly, quarterly, or annual event.
  • End of year celebration - if giving the children a gift, consider seed packs as gifts or seed infused home-made cards
  • If you are planning a messy play session, offer the children the option of planting
    seeds/ seedlings/plants as an activity

Looking for tips on including children in learning about sustainability? See here