How do I promote my Facebook group?

Tips for connecting members to your Facebook group

One of the easiest ways to promote your Facebook group is to include this information as part of your play experience listing within the Play Matters Australia website.

You can edit this information at any time by logging into the facilitator portal and follow these steps:

  1. Click on the 'Manage My Playgroup' tab.  
  2. Select the play experience you are wanting to manage
  3. Click 'edit group'
  4. Scroll down until you find the fields to include your website or social media URL
    social media

Once you have saved these changes, details of your Facebook group will be displayed when members search for your play experience.

It may also be helpful to send members a link to your Facebook group as part of any emails you send after they attend a session. This will remind them that this option is available and allow you to communicate with group members through this channel between sessions. 

Looking for tips to set-up a new Facebook group? Find more information here