How do I promote my play experience?

Tips on how to promote your group

Promoting your play experience is an important part of ensuring you attract families to your group. There are a number of ways you can promote your play experience including:

  • Advertise in your local newspaper - they will often provide free advertising in community listings
  • Set-up an event at a local event (market/under 8's day) 
  • Create a closed Facebook group. See here for more details. 
  • Create a welcoming group and encourage existing families to bring friends
  • Join local Facebook community pages to share your flyer on
  • Organise an open day for new families to attend
  • Involve your group with Play Matters events (eg Messy Play May)
  • Host a parenting night with a guest speaker
  • Letterbox drop in your neighbourhood. 

If you are looking to attend or host an event, see here for more details. 

If you are looking to develop resources to promote your play experience see here or visit the promotional resources section of the facilitator portal.