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  2. Intergenerational play experiences

How do I support my play experience through loss?

For families, parents and caregivers, grief and loss may be new to them as well. This tip sheet may help in preparing families, and provide a means to open discussions in talking with and supporting children. Sharing the information suggested can reassure the facilitators and caregivers alike. Allowing for interaction and peer support can support families in times of loss or grief.  

How educators can talk to children if there is grief and loss  

  • Try to be as honest and open as possible about what has happened 
  • Age appropriate language so its easier for them to understand  
  • Use concrete words like died or death – avoid using euphemisms like gone to sleep or passed away  
  • Listen to them 
  • Be patient 
  • Let them know that they can talk to you at any time 
  • Use story books, toys and play to help explain what has happened.  
  • Encourage them to express their feelings by sharing your own feelings 

How parents/carers can support children if there is grief or loss  

  • Offer support, reassurance and comfort 
  • Maintain normal routines to help them feel secure 
  • Acknowledge or help them identify their feelings 
  • Help them find ways to express their feelings through play, writing, drawing, music 
  • Encourage them to spend time with friends 
  • Allow them to ask questions and talk about their loss as much as much as they want to  
  • Provide clear and age appropriate answers to their questions  
  • Find enjoyable things to do together 

Supporting yourself and fellow facilitators  

It is extremely important that as facilitators and educators, your own emotional and mental wellbeing is monitored and nurtured. Ensure, if times of loss or grief arises at playgroup, you have a support system. Play Matters Australia aim to support staff and facilitators to the best of their ability. Debriefing, talking, and feeling supported are vital to ensuring health and wellbeing.   

For more information on intergenerational play experiences, see here