I am disbanding my play experience - what do I need to do?

Check list of things you need to complete if your play experience is disbanding

What a shame your play experience is disbanding! We understand that sometimes this is unavoidable. Thank you for the time and energy you have invested into your play experience. Please complete all relevant items listed below to finalise your group’s closure:

  • Inform Play Matters Australia that your group is disbanding; be sure to include the name of your group and the reason for the closure.
  • Inform your venue manager that your group is closing and the last date you will access the venue. Provide as much notice as possible to ensure the group is not charged unnecessary rent.
  • Follow your venue manager’s directions regarding final payments, removal of equipment, and return of keys. Outstanding rent must be settled by the group as per your agreement with the venue. If the group cannot fund outstanding rent, discuss this with your venue manager; they may write off those fees. Contact your Play Matters Community Development Officer if necessary.
  • Ensure flyers and/or posters with the group’s details are removed from the venue and/or other community sites.
  • Notify families that the group is no longer meeting and close social media accounts.
  • If the group is funded by Play Matters, the toys, equipment, and money remain the property of Play Matters. Contact your Play Matters Community Development Officer for advice on redistributing toys and equipment.
  • If your group is funded by Play Matters transfer the remaining funds, after rent and other outstanding expenses are paid, to Play Matters:
    • Include the playgroup’s name as a reference.
    • If the group holds cash funds, please deposit these into your personal account and transfer to Play Matters as per the above instructions.
    • Close the group bank account.
  • If the account is a Westpac account linked to Play Matters, please provide proof of closure to your Community Development Officer

To print this information as a list download a copy of the tip sheet from the facilitator portal.

Looking to find someone to run your play experience for you? See our tips here.