Should I set up a Facebook page or group?

Information to help set up Facebook to support your play experience

Pages allow real organisations, businesses, celebrities and brands to communicate broadly with people who like them. Pages may only be created and managed by official representatives.
Groups provide a closed space for small groups of people to communicate about shared interests. Groups can be created by anyone.
Other differences include:
  • Privacy: Page information and posts are public and generally available to everyone on Facebook.
  • Audience: Anyone can like a page to become connected and get news feed updates.
  • Communication: Page admins can share posts under the page’s name. Page posts appear in the news feeds of people who like the page and their friends. Page admins can also create customised apps for their pages and check Page Insights to track the page’s growth and activity.
  • Privacy: In addition to an open setting, more privacy settings are available for Groups. In secret and closed Groups, posts are only visible to Group members.
  • Audience: Group members must be approved or added by other members. When a group reaches a certain size, some features are limited. The most useful Groups tend to be the ones you create with small Groups of people you know.
  • Communication: In Groups, members receive notifications by default when any member posts in the Group. Group members can participate in chats, upload photos to shared albums, collaborate on Group documents and invite ‘friends’ to events.

Looking for more information on how to use Facebook for your play experience? See:

 - Can I use Facebook to promote my play experience?

- What are the privacy options for Facebook groups?

- How do I create and manage a Facebook group? 

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