What advice can I give to parents about challenging child behaviour?

Tips on supporting parents to deal with challenging behaviour

All children go through developmental stages that challenge their parents and carers.

Play Matters respects parents’ rights to make their own parenting decisions. Adults are role
models for their own children and other children at the group. For this reason, physical
punishment, yelling or a lost temper is not welcome at any play experience. Adults should
model behaviours they want their children to display.

Use the following tips if you are wanting to support parents dealing with challenging child behaviour: 

  1. You are responsible for your child
  2. Don’t ignore your child’s challenging behaviour. Act on important issues (children’s
    safety & wellbeing, other parent’s concerns for their child’s safety)
  3. Stay close to your child when their behaviour is challenging. Be ready to intervene
  4. Don’t feel embarrassed. Your child is learning, as are all children in the group
  5. Don’t give up on attending! Try attending for a shorter period and slowly build up
    to a full session
  6. Share your behaviour management strategies with other parents and ask for
    help if you need it. 

Further information on managing challenging child behaviour can be found here, or in the Tip sheet