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  2. Intergenerational play experiences

What are the benefits of intergenerational play experiences?

There are a multitude of benefits that can be achieved through the delivery of intergenerational play experiences. These include:

For the children: 

  • Socialisation skills and building friendships 
  • Engaging with elderly people 
  • Empathy skills – they learn gentleness 
  • Learning to be respectful. 

For the parents/carers: 

  • Parenting chats 
  • Meeting other mums/dads/carers who value mixing with the elderly 
  • New ideas for activities to do at home – things that their childhood never included like the value of play. 

For the residents: 

  • Neurological benefits, with recall memory
  • Wards off isolation and loneliness
  • Engaging in activities.

For more information on intergenerational play experiences see here