What external activities/excursions are typically covered by insurance?

There is no set list of event or activities that are guaranteed to be covered by insurance. For this reason it is important that all excursion/activity/event requests are forwarded to the Customer Experience Team for forwarding to PMA's insurers to confirm compliance.

However, to support you in your event planning, a list of the types of activities that have been approved previously can be found below. This include visits/excursions to:

  • Parks/reserves/environmental centers
  • Libraries
  • Zoo/aquariums
  • Museums
  • Galleries
  • Commercially operated swimming pools
  • Schools
  • Aged care facilities
  • Private dwellings
  • Community/neighborhood centers

To seek endorsement of any upcoming excursions, ensure you complete the Excursion or routine outing form. 

If you have any further questions, please get in touch with our Customer Experience Team