What is a good venue to run a play experience?

Things to consider when looking for a play experience venue

A space or venue is an essential part of running a play experience; it is common ground for new and existing families to meet and join the group.

What type of space or venue can be used for a play experience?
Provided you have a space that is safe and suitable for your desired group size, it can be a play experience venue. The space could be a community hall, church, park or any type of spare space an organisation or business may have.

Things to consider when choosing a venue:
Indoor space
  • The size, shape and configuration of the space. How many children and families can comfortably fit in the space? Is the venue an all-weather space? Therefore, allowing play experiences to run regardless of heat or rain. Can parents adequately supervise their children from various aspects of the space?
  • Storage of group equipment and resources. Is there space available at the venue to store items, or will the group facilitator be responsible for storing and transporting these items each week? Will the space be shared with another group? Can everything be clearly labelled for unpacking and packing each week?
  • Accessibility of the venue with a pram or wheelchair, and do stairs or ramps have handrails?
  • Are there toilets near the venue and does it have baby change facilities?
Outdoor space
  • Is the size of the outdoor space big enough for children to run and participate in physical activity as well as space for smaller group games and activities? Can parents adequately supervise their children from various aspects of the space?
  • Check for bodies of water in the space.
  • Consider how much shade is available during the time of the day group is operating.
  • Is the outdoor space fenced and the car park inaccessible to children during the session?