What is Play Matters position on child safety?

Play Matters Australia (PMA) is committed to the safety of children and young people across the organisation.
All children and young people have a right to feel safe and to be safe at all times. PMA will not tolerate any abuse or neglect of children or young people involved with our programs.
All PMA programs are designed for children and their families. This requires all children to attend with a parent or caregiver where the child remains in their primary care or for programs delivered within kindergarten settings, children remain in the primary care of their educator.
PMA will work with educators, parents, caregivers and their children (as appropriate to their age and developmental needs) regarding decisions that affect them while attending our programs. Whilst PMA recognises that the child remains in the primary care of the parent, caregiver or educator, PMA is alert to the broader landscape of risk and responsibilities around others including family members, and policies and procedures are designed to minimise those risks.
PMA is committed to creating environments that are child safe and child friendly. PMA maintains a culture of openness and transparency. PMA takes a preventative and proactive approach to the safety and wellbeing of children.
In order to achieve these commitments, PMA will implement the requirements set
out in the Commonwealth Child Safe Framework. These are:
  1. Annual risk assessments are undertaken in relation to PMA activities to identify risks to child safety, and appropriate risk mitigation strategies are implemented;
  2. Establish a compliance and training system that is robust and well-communicated to all staff;
  3. Adopt the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations;
  4. Publish an annual statement of compliance with the Framework.
The manner in which PMA implements the Commonwealth Child Safe Framework is set out in the Child Safety and Risk Management Policy and related PMA Policy documents. A full version of this document can be found on the facilitator portal.