What should I consider as the year ends?

Tips for preparing for the summer break period

As the end of the year approaches and your play experience will not be meeting over the school holidays, it’s a great idea to consider the following suggestions to ensure that you start back strong and that everything is ready to go on day one!

Wrapping up the year:

  • Will you hold an end of year celebration
  • Thank volunteers/parents/carers for their help
  • Update inventory of resources and equipment
  • Remove broken/unsafe toys
  • Ask members to help clean toys and pack them away for the holidays
  • Inform the venue you will not be meeting over the holidays
  • Encourage families to stay connected over the break
  • Lock in a start-back date and share that with your group
  • Advertise the group to new families for the new year.

Don’t forget to update when your sessions end and restart the next year on the Portal so
that the website remains up to date as well!

For support in handing over the Facilitator role to someone else, see here