What should I do if I have concerns about child abuse?

When responding to disclosures or allegations of child abuse by a child, all Team Members must adopt a child-centred approach which prioritises the best interests of the child.
If a child discloses an incident of child abuse to you, or you have a suspicion of harm or hold concerns about a child’s safety apply the following to the best of your ability and training (if necessary, seek immediate support from your Community Development Officer or a member of the Customer Experience Team).
Play Matters Australia adopts the AIFS guide Responding to children and young people’s
disclosures of abuse of:
  • Listen
  • Reassure
  • Respect

It is all Team Members responsibility to familarise themselves with the indicators of child abuse (including the various types of abuse and neglect) in children. This includes associated signs and behaviours. Further information on these signs can be found within the Disclosure or Concern About Child Abuse Policy - Appendix A. 

Further details on reporting a disclosure or concern about child abuse can be found here