What should I do if someone is injured at my play experience?

Play Matters is committed to preventing accidents, incidents, and hazards in the workplace
and in during services and programs delivered by PMA, such as play experiences.

We are committed to minimising dangerous occurrences and endeavour to achieve a zero accident rate.

All types of accidents and incidents, including near misses (whether or not they involve damage to person or property) must be reported as per the incident management procedure (found within the facilitator portal - refer specifically to Appendix E) and investigated as soon as possible after the event to prevent re-occurrences.

To support our play experience facilitators in minamising and managing risk, we will:
1. Provide processes for reporting accidents, incidents, hazards, and work- related illnesses.
2. Investigate all accidents, incidents, hazards, and work-related illnesses to identify the cause and put plans in place to prevent a recurrence.
3. Maintain records of all reported accidents, incidents, and hazards and provide statistical information where required to relevant bodies.
4. Meet all legislative requirements for reporting accidents and incidents.

Reporting an incident or injury:

To report an incident or injury - complete this form as a matter of priority. Complete the fields to the best of your ability and include any additional supporting documents (i.e. photos, medical documentation) if available. 

Should you have any issues completing this form, please call 1800 007 529 or email the Customer Experience Team