What should I know if I have to share a venue space?

Considerations for shared venues

It is inevitable that groups may have to share a venue, particularly in community halls or churches. When it comes to sharing a venue, it could be sharing with another play experience or sharing with another recreational group (eg dance group, art class, sports group).

Some tips for sharing a venue:

  • If the venue is being shared with another Play Matters group, complete the ‘Feel Safe & Secure Checklist’ together. This way both groups are aware and clear on Play Matters health and safety requirements.
  • In the event of a family advising they have an infectious disease, ensure communication is made with all users of the venue so everyone is informed and adequate cleaning of the toys/equipment/space can be completed. More tips on managing illnesses and keeping your play experience hygienic can be found here.
  • Keep communication clear between all users of the venue. Have a communication book with contact details and session times for each group. Messages regarding venue issues can be written in the book for everyone to see and update.
  • If any items are being stored at a shared venue make sure everything is clearly labeled as belonging to your group and if possible purchase a locked cupboard for storage.
  • If the venue is being shared with another Play Matters group, a decision must be made if finances, consumables and toys and resources are joined or separate.
  • If the venue is being shared with another Play Matters group, regular catch-ups between facilitators is a great way to discuss the sharing, maintenance and purchasing of toys and resources. 

See here for further tips on what venues are suitable for running play experiences and other considerations.