1. Knowledge Base
  2. Starting a play experience

What support is available to start a play experience?

Once you join the Play Matters team, you can access a wide range of resources and people to support you in your play experience journey. Please remember you are not alone; we are here to support you and your play experience.

As a Play Matters facilitator, you also have access to a suite of online resources,

  • online dashboard to manage your playgroup
  • attendance tracking via the online dashboard
  • facilitator training courses on a variety of child development and playgroup
  • activity ideas that align with the AEDC domains and EYLF outcomes to support
    children’s learning
  • tip sheets to guide you through common playgroup occurrences
  • forms to ensure your playgroup’s insurance is valid for all playgroup sessions*
  • Facebook groups to network with other Play Matters facilitators
  • Region based community development officer (CDO)
*Please note that only volunteer-led playgroups are covered by the Play Matters insurance policy. All other groups will need to adhere to their own insurance policies and procedures.

For further information on the support available - see here