Who are Play Matters facilitators?

Play Matters Facilitators are all unique. Some are volunteer facilitators attending play experiences with their children or are following their passion for connecting children, families, and communities.

Others may run a business, work in a school, or the private and not-for-profit sectors, and some are Play Matters employees. It doesn’t matter what type of facilitator you are; you are all an important piece in the Play Matters Australia family.

As a facilitator, you are directly impacting the lives of families and children in your
local area by:

  • enhancing children’s early childhood development, helping them succeed in a
  • lifelong learning journey.
  • strengthening parental self-efficacy by empowering parents/ carers to be their
    child’s first teacher.
  • fostering a safe space where children and parents/ carers can be supported by
    their peers.
  • contributing to the development of stronger, more connected communities.

Looking for more information on volunteering - see here