Will you advertise my play experience?

What can Play Matters do to help promote play experiences

Yes! Play Matters supports all affiliated play experiences in promoting their groups to interested families and members of the community. 

One of the most effective ways of doing this is by using the search tool within the Play Matters website. 

If your playgroup and upcoming sessions are listed within the facilitator portal - this information will then show up within the search tool on the website. That way any interested members from your community searching for play experiences within your area will see your group details.  

When you start your play experience, your Community Development Officer can also help you by:

  • Posting an ad for your group on the Play Matters Facebook page
  • Send you a “Playgroup meets here” sign (with venue permission)
  • Give you access to the portal to download flyer/poster templates
  • Send you promotional materials

If you're not sure how to set up your sessions within the facilitator portal, see here.

If you are looking for other promotional resources to support your group, you can find templates for posters, brochures, signs, certificates and logos within the facilitator portal.