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Welcome to Manly Magic Fridays Playgroup
Manly Magic Fridays is a facilitated playgroup suitable for children aged 0-5. The group is meeting at Wynnum Manly Alliance Church on 60 Preston Road, Manly West. The session runs from 9.30-11:30am during school term time. We have activities for babies, toddlers, and pre-schoolers, including craft, music, and story time. There is no weekly fee associated with this group, but families must register to become Play Matters members (membership is free). For details contact Gerry on
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A regular meeting of parents and carers with their children aged birth to 5, aimed at fostering the bonds essential for child development, parental confidence, community cohesion, and a smooth transition to school. There are volunteer-led, organisation-based, specialist, and facilitated playgroups supported by Play Matters.
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