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Boy painting

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Girl with watering can

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Affiliate with us

If you're a group or organisation delivering a play experience, why not affiliate with Play Matters Australia today and join our vast network?


Connecting2U Program

Connecting2u is a free text messaging service offering parents and carers timely information, tips and health check reminders to help keep their child safe, happy and healthy.

Supporter Badge 4

National Strategy for Volunteering

Play Matters Australia is proud to be an official supporter of the National Strategy for Volunteering. We recognise that we all have a part to play in ensuring that volunteering has a bright future in Australia. The National Strategy is a ten-year roadmap for how we can collectively build this future and our organisation is committed to this journey.



Play Matters is the home of Sing&Grow Australia. Sing&Grow is a national, evidence-based music therapy program providing services for young children and their families.

News and Blogs

Building connections: Play Matters in North Queensland

At Play Matters, we’re enthusiastic about making play as accessible as possible for all children, and are passionate supporters of children’s rights,..

Healthy Habits for..

The first five years of a..

Summer Fun Camping..

Summer brings with it a..

More news and blogs
Sprouting Sustainability: Gardening Helps Build Eco-Friendly Habits Being a Carer in Australia | National Carers Week How Imaginative Play Builds a Foundation for Reading and Literacy Skills Children's Voices Matter
Heart and Science

The Heart and Science of Play

Founded in 1973, Play Matters Australia
supports children and families to build
relationships, skills, and confidence through
play. We are a national company with staff in
every state and territory in Australia.

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What we do


Play Matters Australia delivers and supports community and facilitated playgroups accessed by thousands of families.
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Sing&Grow Music Therapy

Play Matters Australia is the home of Sing&Grow Australia. It is a national, evidence-based music therapy program.
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Training and Research

Play Matters Australia is committed to ongoing training and research into play and its impact on families.
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Play Matters Australia delivers a range of events and celebrations in local communities across the country.
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Online Support

Play Matters Australia has a suite of digital offerings and support available to families anywhere in Australia.
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School Readiness

Play Matters Australia delivers programs that are designed to support children and families with entry into formal schooling.
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Parenting Support

Play Matters Australia has a range of parenting support offerings and programs for families.
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Inclusion Support

Play Matters Australia Inclusion Support programs break down the barriers to play and connection for parents and carers who have a child with additional needs.
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“Play is our brain’s favourite way of learning”

- Diane Ackerman



Join our network!

We are the largest non-profit organisation specialising in play in Australia. We have a vast network of affiliated play experiences across the country. Affiliation allows groups and organisations delivering play experiences to join the Play Matters family. When you affiliate, you get access to a suite of benefits that support you to get back to what matters most - play!

Affiliated groups get access to a digital portal, a play management tool, advertising on our search feature, and hundreds of resources to support play experiences.

Upcoming events

Play Matters Australia delivers a range of events across the country. Learn more below:

Read our Statement of Commitment to Children and Child Safety

Subscribe to our newsletter

Join the Play Matters Australia mailing list to receive updates and information about our programs, events, and services.

Become a corporate sponsor

As a corporate sponsor, your company will help us provide real benefits to our families and communities. Contact us today to discuss a partnership.